Wednesday, February 10, 2010



1.1 Background of the Study

Speaking is one of English skill that must be mastered by learners in English learning. According to Saricoban (2000:1), “Oral communication is a vital component of the English language curriculum and provides the base for growth in reading, writing and listening ability”. Moreover, he said that one of the common goals of foreign language teaching is that students should speak the language. In English Education Department at University of Muhammadiyah Gresik, speaking is a compulsory subject that must be mastered by students. Therefore, speaking is a crucial part of English learning and teaching at University of Muhammadiyah Gresik.
Nevertheless, not all of English learners are good in speaking. They have problems in speaking, such as mispronunciation and grammar error. Those errors are necessary and natural process of language learning. As Chastain in Hendrickson (1979:3) said that more important than error-free speech is the creation of an atmosphere in which the students want to talk. The researcher has observed in speaking class at University of Muhammadiyah Gresik and found that learners still have some problems in their speaking. They made some mistaken such as mispronunciation, grammar error and vocabulary usage. Those errors are natural in English learning. However, it does not mean that it should be ignored, because it can change the meaning of sentence and sometimes it can interfere in communication. As Keneddy in Hendrickson (1979:5)
proposed that in both first language acquisition and second language learning, error correction helps students to discover the function and limitation of the syntactical and lexical forms of the target language. Therefore, errors correction is useful for learner. The learner needs some correction so they are good in speaking.

We know that every student has different preference about error correction. Some students prefer if the teacher corrects their error immediately. Nevertheless, some others are not prefer if the teacher corrects their error immediately, because it makes them depressed and lose interest in learning. Some students prefer if the teacher correct all of their errors, but some others prefer if the teacher correct only the errors that interfere to communication. Because of that, matching to the expectation of the learner and teacher about error correction is important for successful language learning.

Considering the important of error correction for learners, the researcher wants to find out students’ preferences toward errors correction in Speaking 3 at University of Muhammadiyah Gresik. The researcher chooses Speaking 3 because this level is a bridge for learners to take ‘Public Speaking’ class. As we know that at University of Muhammadiyah Gresik, ‘public speaking’ is the greatest level of speaking. We hope that by knowing students’ preferences about error correction early, the teacher can arrange error correction strategies that are suitable with student expectation. Therefore, learners can be successful in the next speaking level.
1.2 Statement of the Problem

In this study, the writer will investigate students’ preferences toward errors correction in speaking class.
The study is aimed to find the answer to the following questions:
1. What are students’ preferences for errors correction in Speaking 3 class at University of Muhammadiyah Gresik?
2. What types of errors that student’s preference to be corrected in Speaking 3 class (e.g. pronunciation, grammar)?
3. What are the students’ preferences for particular types of error correction methods?

1.3 Purpose of the Study

Based on the explanation on problem statement above, the writer decides purpose of this study. They are:
1. To know students’ preferences for errors correction in Speaking 3 class.
2. To find out types of errors that students preferences to be corrected in their speaking.
3. To know students’ preferences for types of error correction method.

1.4 Significance of the Study
The significance of this study expected useful for students, lecturers, and the next researcher. For the students, the result of this study can be used as a very important feedback. They will know their weakness in speaking so that they can improve their ability and manage their weakness in speaking. For the lectures through this study, it will

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